Monday, May 25, 2009


A Monday at Shepherds Field.

hello everyone. Well what a weekend I had, I spent one day vomiting, and in bed, doctor Moody came to see me, and decided that it was something I ate, no fever. But still with the sinus thing so he started me on antibiotics.So I still cannot see the children in fear of getting them ill.
For some reason, I do not understand, I cannot get to the blog site in the regular way and have to circumspect the globe to post anything. So I cannot place pictures right now but will again when I can.
Today is Monday and I am feeling much better we have a full week ahead of us. Tuesday i am going with one of the workers here to Langfang to buy a new sewing machine for the Ladies in the craft shop.James, Janine and I are going in together to buy it for them, they use some really antiquated machines right now, one is a treadle machine. They make beautiful wall hangings, we brought over 2 suitcases full of fabric for them also, well James and Janine did.
More visitors came in today, about 10, young people and we had lunch with them. They are only here for the day but I did give them pointers for shopping in the Pearl Market. They are going there Wednesday.
Sunday we are going to the Great Wall.There will be 20 in the group.We will spend the day.
Thursday James and I are going to Forbidden City.
James is off helping with computers somewhere , Janine and the children spent the morning at a friends home visiting.
I still have not decided what painting to choose. And I need to choose before Thursday when about 12 people will arrive to spend a week. There are several guest rooms where we are at, we have 2 as I stated earlier, girls in one boys in the other.
Well I must go now, Gods love to all.

Saturday, May 23, 2009


Another Day in China

We are back at Shepherds’ field and I have spent my first day here ill. I have some kind of sinus thing going on and in order not to infect anyone else I am trying to stay by myself. I spent the morning in bed and did not make my regular call to home. I have taken some sinus medicine that James and Janine brought with them, so we will see.
Our days here are growing shorter; we will be home in 13 days. I t does not seem possible that we have been here that long at times, and other times it seems forever.
I found myself very melancholy this morning wanting to see my home and my husband, and my animals and sit on my deck by the creek in my back yard. I miss them more than I can say.
I will not be able to see the children until I am well, I cannot risk getting them sick.
Everyone else seems to be fine.
It is much cooler here than in south China, so that is a relief.
Janine and Hannah, David, Gabriel, Elijah are all spending the day with the Foster parents David lived with. They are Americans from Wisconsin originally. James has gone to set up someone’s computer in their home. Doctor Moody is not far from here and he will find me something to do when I am well enough. There are several Americans here now, the special education teacher is American from New York, her name is Dawn, and she lives in an apartment upstairs where we are staying. She has been here for several months and loves it here. You can tell she enjoys her job; the lord just shines through her.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Regarding the Pearl River, Glazed Sidewalk Tiles, and Early Morning Tai Chi

On Monday (18 May), I finally broke down and decided to go running. Those of you who have been unfortunate enough to hear my complaining, know that I’ve had a foot injury for the last few months that has kept me from running. That, as well as a pulled back muscle I got just 10 days before we departed for our trip, has combined to make one very grumpy daddy. I’ve been over the pulled back muscle for a while now, and the physical therapy I had been receiving for my foot seemed to have made it better (but not completely healed), and I’ve been putting on weight with all the eating going on over here, so I made up my mind to go for a run around the "island". You see, the hotel we’re staying at (the Victory) is on a piece of land that is bordered on one side by a broad river called the Pearl, and what someone decided to do quite a while ago was to dig a canal from one part of the river to another part of the river, essentially forming an island, and this island is called Shamian. It’s a nice island, with a definite colonial esthetic to it in the building architectures and parks. So I take off for my run, and of course I want to run along the edge near the water for the best scenery. All of the retaining walls that line the island are about 8 feet tall from the top of the wall which is the same as the "sidewalk", down to the top of the water. There are stairs cut into the retaining wall about every hundred meters or so that go down to the water. Also, it’s been raining here since we arrived, and everything is wet. Now, many of you know that I love to run in the rain, so the fact that it actually started to rain when I started on my run made me quite happy. What I soon paid close attention to however, was that the majority of the tiles that paved the top of the "sidewalk" were in fact glazed tiles. Glazed tiles that are quite slippery when wet. Wet, slippery glazed tiles at the top of the retaining wall…with an eight foot drop to the rather nasty water below, with no way out but a minimum of 50 meter swim…. Needless to say, I was very careful with my foot placement and was sure to stay away from the very edge. I hate to disappoint you, but I didn’t fall into the canal, although I could have quite easily. I did however, get plenty of gawking glances…. But I don’t blame them. Two hundred pound, bald, bearded, pale, round eye running on their island? They’re probably thinking I stole something. (Just kidding!) Anyway, after about 20-25 minutes of running, I’m really starting to feel the muscles talk to me, and so make my way to the inner parts of the island, where there is a very nice park that runs the length of the island, with the intent of doing some stretching, and then head back to the hotel. Once I get to the park, the sight that greets me is right out of National Geographic. There are about 20 Chinese people all doing their morning Tai Chi exercises in unison and in complete silence. I’m absolutely spellbound, but totally acting as if I’m not paying attention at all. I stay a respectable distance from the group (about 15 meters), and go through my stretches, all the while knowing that they’re checking me out too, but totally acting as if they’re not paying attention at all. Not wanting to be an embarrassment to my countrymen, I make sure to do a thorough leg stretch and run through my balance exercises, and I work up quite a sweat just doing these. Feeling that I’ve defended my honor sufficiently, I turn, bowing slightly in respect as I exit the exercise area, and take off at full sprint for the last 1/8 mile before slowing down at the hotel. On the way I pass by a Chinese Army guard post, manned by 3-4 uniformed army personnel. They all turn as I pass by at my full sprint, saying something to each other in Mandarin (I’m sure if I could translate, it would be something like, "Wow! I wonder if being bald makes you run faster?" – LOL!!). Actually, they were more probably asking themselves if they should arrest me since I had obviously stolen something. (ha!! JUST KIDDING! Please forgive me. 8-)

And in the end, my foot really didn’t hurt all that much. MOST excellent.
Click this link to see Shamian Island in Google maps:,+Guangdong,+China&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=39.099308,72.158203&ie=UTF8&ll=23.107444,113.24692&spn=0.011111,0.017617&z=16


Rub-a-dub, dub – Three Boys in the …. Pool?

As soon as the boys found out that there was a pool at the hotel in Guangzhou, they’ve been incessant about hounding me to go swimming. The rooms are a little small here, and since I won’t let them just sit in front of the TV or play their Nintendo DS’s all day, they really do need something to do. Anyway, I took them yesterday (Monday, 18 May), and they were quite happy to have something to do outside in this humidity. David took some convincing that the water was shallow enough for him to be comfortable, but once he knew he could stand up in it, he was all over it. I think Hannah was a little conflicted – she obviously enjoyed watching all of us have fun in the water, but there was no way she was getting in. I think she’s afraid of the water, and I can understand that, but its obviously something we’re gonna have to change. 8-) Janine took them all to the pool today (Tuesday, 19 May) as well, and encouraged Hannah to get her suit on too, but Hannah reacted badly and threw a fit. Janine convinced her however, and all went to the pool, but still Hannah didn’t get in. I will try her again tomorrow, and perhaps she’ll let me take her into the water.

Additionally, check out the picture below. While we’ve been here in China, Elijah has been studying deep meditation techniques from Zen masters and has learned how to levitate above the water. I can’t wait to learn this myself! LOL! (posted by James)

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


The tea house, swimming and beauty

Yesterday Hannah and the boys and James and Janine went to the swimming pool; it is an open air one on top of the hotel, they had a lot of fun they were the only ones at the pool. Hannah did not want to get in, but she watched them play sitting on the side with mom. I decided to just take pictures. Since I did not bring my bathing suit with me to China. The boys tried their best to get me wet anyway.
We saw some beautiful statues in the park, and lots of brides getting their pictures taken.
The shops are wonderful and all the people are very friendly and helpful.
James and I walked to the Swan Hotel where there is a waterfall inside the hotel it is about 40 feet tall with a huge pond with lots of Koi in it. With beautiful artwork all around.
We saw a man doing finger painting which is a very skillful art here and he let me take his picture. I bought one of his very small paintings.
Then he took me to a tea shop, and we had tea the authentic Chinese way, and it was great.
The grocery store was very large, and had everything as before, and lots of workers to help us make selections.
Hannah saw the doctor it was a short walk down the street. Today Molly has paper work to do for us, and then tomorrow we have more paper work, then Thursday we go to Beijing. Today James and I are going to visit a pagoda and gardens.
I am attaching several pictures from yesterday.
God’s love to all

Monday, May 18, 2009


The Traveler, the Calligrapher, and the Bell Tower

Last Wednesday, (13 May), we were free for the afternoon as we waited for the local notary official to complete their paperwork for Hannah. Our local host, Chandler, suggested we go see a local historical site – a bell tower. Chandler explained that in the past (but how far in the past I forget) the Chinese would sound out the hour of the day via a large bell in a tower about 4 (?) stories tall. And besides, he said, there were plenty of small shops around the tower – so of course the ladies were all for checking out the area. Our driver Wu took us there, and once we got to the area the shopping for just that special deal commenced. We did eventually make it to the bell tower, and found that it also had a museum inside. We walked through the museum, which focused on Chinese buildings of the past and how small some of the houses were and how much better things have become. We wound our way through and up to the top where the bell was, and the boys and I rang the bell for luck. You have to use a large log like striker that’s suspended from a rope. You get three strikes for 5 RMB. The boys were shy about striking the bell first, so I went first, and they saw how easy it was and that it wasn’t going to make them deaf. (LOL). So we all got our strikes in, and were given some coupons to receive a commemorative "lucky" calligraphy (in Chinese, of course!). I didn’t think this would mean very much – but I was soon to find out how wrong I was. So we head down the stairs to just below the bell level, and there we find there are a group of people doing calligraphy, with a lot of their work all over the room – some laying on the floor, some suspended from cords stretched across the room, and some hung within glass cases.

I’m quite intrigued – I’ve always been impressed by calligraphy, regardless of the language. Chandler started to chat with them, and I could tell from his expression during his conversation that something very unusual was taking place here. He explained to me that the three men doing calligraphy at the table were actually calligraphy instructors at the university in Tianjin, and were quite well known for their work. They had been requested by the local government to come to the bell tower and do calligraphy pieces as part of a cultural awareness week. The cost to acquire a piece of their work? Simply the cost of the paper (30 RMB each, or about $4.25). What would I like them to write for me? Hmmmmmm…..after some deliberation, I ask Chandler to have them write "swordsman" (of course, alluding to my love of Iaido). Chandler discusses this with the calligraphers, and he comes back with a variation, and suggests they write the characters which translate to "the spirit of the sword". MOST excellent, I think, and agree. The calligrapher sets about his work, and is done in few minutes. A masterpiece.

Chandler chats with them all during this time, and learns just how valuable this piece of work is. Seems that if commissioned to make similar pieces under normal circumstances, this same piece would fetch 6,000 RMB (approx $850) or more. Wow. I thanked them many times, and told them (through Chandler) how much I appreciated their work. They were all very pleasant and seemed very pleased that a traveling American would appreciate their work so much. In the end, Chandler and I would come back on Friday and get a few more pieces, and then took them to a local shop (recommended by one of the calligraphers) to have them mounted on traditional silk scrolls. Cost for mounting on the silk scrolls? 20 RMB (just under $3) each. Totally unbelievable. What an incredible find. (posted by James)


Regarding a certain blond American boy traveling in China…..

Last Thursday, (14 May), we had a free day waiting for Hannah’s passport to be completed, and we took the train into Beijing to first see the Emperor’s Summer Palace, and then to see the Pandas at the zoo. Something had happened a few different times prior to that day, but it seemed to be especially prevalent while we were visiting the Summer Palace. It seems that the Chinese people have a fascination with Gabriel. Why? I’m not quite too sure – perhaps because he’s just soooo cute! But whatever the reason, on no less than two separate occasions on Thursday, people just had to have their pictures taken with him. Gabriel had no idea why he garnered such attention, and was quite shy about these strange people wanting to have their pictures taken with him. He took it all in stride though, and wasn’t rude and didn’t complain. Of course, I have to admit my pride as I took his hand and led him away…thinking to myself how proud I was to have him as my son! 8-) (posted by James)

Sunday, May 17, 2009



Yesterday we took an airplane from Tianjin to Guangzhou, the trip was 3 hrs and the plane was smaller, the flight attendants were very nice and the plane was full.
Saying goodbye to Wu and Chandler was very hard to do, I liked them both very much. Chandler was very patient with us and very helpful. I gave him a gift of his favorite Jasmine tea in a beautiful tin.Wu was wonderful and she and I bonded very quickly, I bought her a gift of thanks and gave it to her when she picked us up at the hotel to take us to the airport, And she surprised me with a gift for me and I cried, I will miss her. I gave her my card and it has my address on it. I will have many great memories of her. She is in the picture with me at the airport.
We are in the sub tropics it is very hot here. The scenery is beautiful as you will see by the pictures. I am missing church this morning, but will pray in my room.
We have 3 rooms in this hotel, Sarah and I are sharing a room, Janine and Hannah and James, Elijah, Gabriel, David all have 2 rooms that connect. The hotel is very beautiful.
This town is much smaller than Tianjin was. This is where we Finalize everything.
Again My red hair is an oddity, and I get lots of stares.
They have great streets here where only pedestrians are allowed, they have open air exercising and badmitten players everywhere in the courtyards.
We saw a wedding party in a courtyard last night and it was beautiful.
We are going to a grocery store in a few minutes to buy water.
Gods love to all.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Tianjin 3rd day

Good morning friends, we are still in Tianjin, James and Janine had to go to appointments yesterday and get things ready for leaving here on Saturday. Chandler took us to his hotel to eat last night, we had 8 different foods in huge amounts for 9 people, and it was 35.00 American. Or 326. RMB. And I have to say, I tried Donkey meat, it tastes like pastrami. But I do not want to try it again, thank you.
Hannah is getting to know us better, she does not like being seperated from the boys at night. She has really bonded with Sarah and Janine, she let Sarah bath her and take her brace off her leg last night and wash her hair. I am washing clothes and hanging them in the bathroom on built in clothes lines to dry.
We hired Wu ( female Chinese driver) to take us several places today after 1 pm, we will be going to the drum tower.and several historic homes.And to see other sights.
I am attaching several pictures from the city here.
I must tell you that I am getting quite good at eating with chopsticks, having my picture taken is becoming common for me and sometimes I want to pose for them, I am a very small minority here with my red hair and( large figure) I have only seen 2 other people with red hair since I have been here.....we had a little concern in the market, a man on a bicycle kept trying to get Gabriel to get on his bike with him and followed us for many many shops, but all the boys and I and of course James, kept saying no. James in his "Indiana Jones" hat can be quite intimidating and has had his picture taken many times also.We saw a fight in one shop and Chandler kept herding us away from it with hand motions. Lots of yelling on both sides.
We are having a wonderful time, no one has been bothered with stomach problems. The orphanage has told us that Hannah can be very stubborn and we said that she will fit right in....LOL
Love to all


Yesterday we had a free day where no paper work was needed and we took the children on the "Bullet Train" to Beijing, it travels at over 200 MPH. The train was very clean, very comfortable and it took 27 minutes to go what it would normally take 3 hrs to drive. We went to the Summer Palace and the ZOO we saw so many sights. I am attaching pictures, Hannah is fitting right in lots of bonding, she loves to be with the boys, I have lost 10 lbs, but am eating more than enough, we walk so much, I have not had any problems with shortness of breath since the second day. My legs are getting much stronger.
Everyone here takes a quick liking to the boys as I have told you in my last posts. At the Summer palace, and the zoo they all had to take pictures with them, especially the men, with families, it was great amusement for them. And we were all just doing fine, it did get a little tiresome after awhile.
Chandler has been answering lots of questions for me, no semis or even pick up trucks are allowed in the city in the daytime only at midnight, and personal cars are not allowed in the city on certain days. All of the flowers we see are beautiful
There is no reason to the traffic, everyone just drives however. But I feel safe, Kenneth you drive great, no more dash board brakes....LOL he will understand.
I will be glad to get back to Shepherds field and be with the children, Being in the big city is ok but I have done enough sight seeing.
We went to Thai restaurant for lunch yesterday and I burned my lips off with the food. It was beautiful though as is every restaurant.
There are 17 million people in Beijing about 7 million in Tianjing, All the families work, the children are in school from 830 am till 530 pm sometimes until 830 pm. They have a winter break and a summer break, air conditioning is not turned on until June in some places, it has been in the 70's and 80's every day. we keep the windows open and wash the clothes and hang them in the bathroom to dry they dry overnight.
All the children wear 3 layers of clothes even in heat. Hannah fell yesterday twice at the zoo and tore her leggings and skinned her knee, and lots of people were concerned, it was very nice to see that the people were concerned.
when we got back to the room, I washed it and put bacitracin and bandaid on it, she did fine not a whimper she watched closley. She understands a lot of english, but speaks mostly Mandarin.
OK everyone enough for today....Gods love to all

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