Sunday, May 10, 2009


3rd day

3rd day

Today we get up early and eat in the breakfast room, James fixes us all breakfast of bacon and eggs and our favorite, bottled water, even Tim and Pam do not drink the water, and they have been here for 20 yrs. Not because of the bacteria but because of the hard metals in the water.
We see a lot more of the compound today and I visit the 2nd floor of the infirmary, where the babies are that have heart conditions, one is crying in my room of 3, all in cribs, the little 4 month old is getting an IV and has a fever, I sit with him and soothe him and rub his back, his legs have to be tied to the bed because his IV is in his right foot, his fever slowly goes down as he gets the IV and he rests, his breathing is very labored and hard to watch. The other little ones wakes up and I pick him up, and imediatley name him Jacob for some reason, it just came to me. I sing to him and he smiles at me, we go through “Jesus loves me”, “You are my sunshine”, “What a day that will be”, and he cuddles against me and smiles. The worker in the room seems amazed that he has taken so with me. These babies that I have chosen to be with are very ill and I just pray over them that God will make their short lives peaceful and without pain.

I have asked permission to spend some time with the 3 teenage girls that are here, one Wendy is in a wheelchair, she is beautiful, and has no hope for adoption now. I have brought special things for 3 teenage girls, even though I did not know their were 3 here.I believe the cut off age is 12. I have given all the baseball caps that I brought to Tim to hand out to the boys, I brought about 20, And all the hair barrettes. I have 1 small cap with Mickey mouse on it for Benjamin, he is a small child that had to have his skull reconstructed, and is all smiles, runs as fast as his little legs can carry him.

After lunch on our own in the breakfast room with leftovers, we head into town to get laundry soap. Tim drops Janine, Sarah, and I at Wal mart, which is 2 or 3 stories tall, the escalators are like tread mills and shooping carts fit on them, we get laundry soap, fabric softner, I get thin socks, my socks are too thick. We only have 45 minutes. Look at some clothes, the size XXXL is our size 14….hmmm

We head back to the compound do laundry and get ready for the evening meal. Tim takes us and his 3 sons to a place called a “Hot Pot” restauraunt, I have pictures attached. We cook our own meal at each setting in a(you guessed it) hot pot. The food is wonderful, James and I discover sweet pickled garlic, they serve it as an appetizer. Along with many things, all kinds of vegetables (yes we cook them in our pots).

The boys, all 6 of them are having a great time. I forgot to tell you, when we parked a man in the parking lot came running over and opened my door and helped me from the van, did not know if it was due to age? Or beauty? LOL.

We get back home and head straight to bed, have to get up very early in the morning, church is 1 ½ hr drive from here.

Love to all till next post, we leave here after church to go to Tinjan where we get Hannah and start all the papers and running and another flight. Will post as soon as I can…

Love to all.



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